Crosshair Overlay Download

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Crosshair Download Png

Crosshair Overlay Software

  1. ; By
  2. ; Instructions:
  3. ; Will ONLY work in WINDOWED mode
  4. ; 1) Run app to overlay crosshair to and make it active
  5. ; 2) Hit WIN+Insert to designate that as app to overlay to
  6. ; 3) Crosshair will appear but probably in wrong place
  7. ; 4) Use WIN+Arrow keys to move crosshair to right place
  8. ; Crosshair will ONLY appear while designated app is active
  9. ; Settings saved to INI file so you only have to set up once
  10. ; This is NOT a hack, it merely creates a transparent window
  11. ; Custom crosshairs can be used, edit ch.gif and edit size vars below
  12. ch_x = 78 ; X size of ch.gif
  14. ;
  15. ; Remove .ahk and .exe from filename to get name for INI file
  16. StringReplace, ScriptName, ScriptName, .ahk, All
  17. WinGetPos, winx, winy, winw, winh, ahk_class %progclass%
  18. ; PosX and PosY hold offset of cursor within window (From centre)
  19. PosY := 0
  20. ; Read vals from INI file
  21. IniRead, PosX, %ScriptName%.ini, Main, PosX, %PosX%
  22. IniRead, PosY, %ScriptName%.ini, Main, PosY, %PosY%
  23. IniRead, progclass, %ScriptName%.ini, Main, progclass, %progclass%
  24. ; Calculate offsets
  25. Gui, Add, Picture, w%ch_x% h%ch_y% AltSubmit, TaMortarReticle.png
  26. GoSub, showch
  27. WinSet, TransColor, White, %A_ScriptName%
  28. GoSub, hidech
  29. ; MAIN LOOP
  30. ;
  31. ; HOTKEYS
  32. PosY -= 1
  33. IniWrite, %PosY%, %ScriptName%.ini, Main, PosY
  34. PosY += 1
  35. IniWrite, %PosY%, %ScriptName%.ini, Main, PosY
  36. PosX -= 1
  37. IniWrite, %PosX%, %ScriptName%.ini, Main, PosX
  38. PosX += 1
  39. IniWrite, %PosX%, %ScriptName%.ini, Main, PosX
  40. WinGetActiveTitle, wint
  41. IniWrite, %progclass%, %ScriptName%.ini, Main, progclass
  42. ; Shows the crosshair
  43. GoSub, offsetch
  44. return
  45. ; Hides the crosshair
  46. Gui, Cancel
  47. offsetch:
  48. chy := 501
  49. IfWinActive, ahk_class %progclass%
  50. ; Check to see if window moved
  51. WinGetPos, winx, winy, winw, winh, ahk_class %progclass%
  52. GoSub, showch
  53. else
  54. GoSub, hidech
  55. return

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