Mac Serial Info

Your Mac serial number is important information: If you need to get your Mac serviced, you'll need it. If you call Apple for help, they may ask you for it. But if you haven't written it down and can't read the number off the case, don't worry: There's another easy way to get it.

Understand your mac serial number, enter your mac's serial number here and squeeze all available info out of it! Apple Serial Number Info // Decode your Mac's serial number! There are 50 users browsing this site. The MAC address has nothing to do with the serial number unless the manufacturer has made it so. A MAC address is a 12 digit hexadecimal number and is unique to the item of network hardware that it is allocated to. MAC addresses are used to identi.

At the store I work at, customers often call for help with their computers; to help them with their problems, I like to double-check their machine against a database we have access to by running their Mac's serial number. That way, I at least know how the Mac was configured when it left the factory. But many of my customers have no idea what their serial number is, or how to find it.

Each Mac's serial number is printed on the case of the computer itself. But those numbers can get obscured: If you're using a laptop with an external case on it, like I do, then you can't see the number. What's more — especially on laptops — the numbers tend to get worn away over time. Apple also prints them in extremely small type; if you have anything less than perfect vision, it can be hard to make them out.

Fortunately, there's an easy way to get the serial number, assuming your Mac will turn on.

Mac Serial Number Lookup

How to recover your Mac's serial number

Mac info serial number
  1. Click on the menu.
  2. Select About this Mac.
  3. The serial number is listed under the Overview tab, which should be the first one to appear.

Find My Serial Mac

You can copy this number and paste it into another document, write it down or do whatever else you need to with it. Tip: If you do write it down, remember that Apple doesn't use the letter O in its serial numbers: Any 0 you see is a zero, not an O.

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Serial Mac Lookup

Macbook Pro

The MacBook pro looks very similar to its predecessor the Aluminum G4 with some key differences.


The MacBook pro looks very similar to its predecessor the Aluminum G4 with some key differences.

iPhone / iPod

There are a number of different flavors and sizes of iPods and iPhones.


The iMac is Apple's all in one unit and is one of the longest lasting product lines.


The iPad is Apple's entry into the tablet market.

Powerbook G4 Aluminum

As the name implies, the Aluminum powerbook features an entire shell of Aluminum.

Mac Pro

The Mac Pro is the high end professional end desktop machine which currently supports up to 8 cores.

Mac Mini

The Mac Mini is the ultra compact Mac, used for everything from a Media Center to a car computer.

PowerMac G5

The predecessor to the Mac Pro, the PowerMac G5 went up to a Quad Core processor and was discontinued in 2005.

Powerbook G4 Titanium

The Powerbook G4 Titanium, the first in the line of Powerbook G4s came in three different models.

Powerbook G3 Pismo

The Pismo has both Firewire and USB ports. The Lombard only has USB and no firewire.

Powerbook G3 Lombard

The Lombard models added USB ports and a bronze keyboard to the G3 lineup.

Powerbook G3 Wallstreet

The Wallstreet was the only Powerbook G3 to have the Original colored Apple logo on the bezel.

iBook G4

The iBook G4 looks very similar to its predecessor the iBook G3, but has several key differences.

iBook G4

The iBook G4 looks very similar to its predecessor the iBook G3, but has several key differences.

iBook G3

The iBook G3, also referred to as the Dual USB, was the first iBook to sport a sleek white case.

iBook G3 Clamshell

The iBook Clamshell is most easily identified by its different colors and clamshell design.

Amazon Kindle

The most popular e-Reader and later branching out into tablets and even smartphones.

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