Pro11.msi is not abailable for excel addins I want to make Excel addins available to users, but when installing it say can not find pro11.msi. The network path which office was installed through is available to users Why can't they access this Can i put the addin somewhere else, say in there profile? Even so, PRO11.MSI MICROSOFT OFFICE 2003 FREE DOWNLOAD's targeted DOWNLOAD FREE OFFICE MICROSOFT 2003 PRO11.MSI site suggestions can pull you out of a surfing rut, and there's no charge for the service.
I have successfully downloaded the Service Pack for Office 2003, but the update will not install as I get the following error message:
'The feature you are trying to use is on a network resourse that is unavialble. Click okay to try again or enter and alternate path to a folder containing the installation package PRO11.MSI in the box below.'
It then says ...use source C:/install/Applications/Office2003 - which it says cannot be found
Can anyone help please?
Jged :(

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- 5 Years Discussion Span
- commentLatest Postby cyberpara
Nitro Pro 11 Msi Download
I have just started to get the same problem, any help appreciated thanks
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