Value depends on a combination of many factors. You have onlyprovidided the most generic description. Without a detaileddescription to include, finish, barrel length, grip material,sights, box, origiinal paperwork and any accessories, only ageneral estimate can be given. This weapon would be in the 50-500USD price range.
What is the date of your smith and Wesson 38 special serial number k414367?
- Smith & Wesson makes.38 Special revolvers. The.38 Special CTG revolver is a six-shooter with a 6-inch barrel. Identifying the weapon is a matter of locating the identifying etchings with the serial number along the gun metal on the barrel.
- So instead of one big comprehensive chart for every Smith & Wesson revolver ever made, I’m offering this smaller bite-sized chunk: every post-1957.38 Special and.357 Magnum revolver from S&W that officially entered full-scale production.
Your serial number indicates that your Smith and Wesson 38 special was made in the Year 1960.
What is the age of a Smith and Wesson 38 special ctg serial number 53405?
What model is a Smith and Wesson 38 special ctg pistol with a serial number K84790?
Smith wesson serial lookup Smith and Wesson 38 revolver. Serial # is 4D17187 when is the manufacture date - Sport & Outdoor - Others question. Search Fixya. Smith and Wesson Forums 38 special ctg serial number 181940 Unfortunately there are no easy ways to find the date. It is there but is a long search.
What is a Smith and Wesson 38 special K frame serial?
How do I determine the year my Smith and Wesson 38 Special was made?
How old is your smith and Wesson 44 special ctg?
What is the age of a model 37 smith and Wesson airwieght 38 special with serial number j822864?
With the serial number that you have supplied,your Smith and Wesson model 37 was made in the year 1981.
How old is your gun Smith and Wesson 38 special Serial?
What is the age of a Smith and Wesson .38 special?
What is the price of a smith and Wesson 38 special ctg serial number 362164?
When was a smith and Wesson 38 special ctg serial?
Smith Wesson 38 special ctg model 83682 or is 83682 the serial number pistol?
What is the value of smith and Wesson 38 special patent date 1901?
e age and or value of smith and wesson 38 serial number 3k36--- please
What is the age of a Smith and Wesson 38 special ctg?
You will have to call the factory and provide the serial number.
How can you find the year on your smith and Wesson 38 special ctg?
What is the value of Smith and Wesson 38 Special serial number 28176?
Where is the model number on an 38 special smith and Wesson?
If it has one, it will be located inside the crane area.
What is the year of manufacturer for a smith and Wesson 38 special ctg?
How old is a smith and wesson 38 special ctg ser?
Where on a 1909 smith and Wesson 38 special revolver is the serial number located?
What is the age of a smith and Wesson 38 special with a serial number of D572674?
What is the age of a smith and Wesson 38 special model number 36 serial number 575503?
What is the age of a Smith Wesson 38 cal Special ctg serial?
What is the value of smith and Wesson 38 special number k972634?
What is age and value of a smith and Wesson 38 special ctg serial number 03111?
Smith and Wesson 38 special with a serial number 6j2749?
What is a smith and Wesson 38 special ctg serial number 698889 worth?
How old is a smith and Wesson 38 special model number 71778cg?
What was the date of manufacture of a Smith Wesson 38 special serial number 111873?
How do you locate serial number on Smith and Wesson 38 special?
What is the age of a smith and Wesson 38 special with serial number 555228?
When was a Smith Wesson 38 special number 562897 made?
What is the value of a smith and Wesson 38 special with serial number TEX0059?
What is the age of a Smith and Wesson 38 Special Revolver Serial Number J495818?
What is the age of a smith and Wesson 38 special serial number 471420?
How old is the Smith and Wesson 38 Special?
No way to answer without a detailed description to include serial number.
What is the model number of a smith and Wesson 38 special Ctg with a serial number of K110103?
What year was smith and Wesson model 36-1 serial number 5J9104 made?
Your Smith and Wesson model 36-1 chief,s special was made in the year 1969 with the serial number you have supplied.
What is the age of a Smith and Wesson 38 special pistol with a serial number G39372?
What is the value of a smith and Wesson 38 special I don't know the model number but the serial number is 120657?
Smith Wesson 38 special ctg serial number 83682 or is 83682 the model number?
Serial number. Provide a DETAILED description of ALL markings.
What is the value of a 38 Smith and Wesson special CTG serial number K366375 in excellent condition?
What is the age and value of a Smith and Wesson Secret service Special serial number 337S?
How old is a Smith and Wesson 38 special model 36 with serial number j342389?
What is the value of a smith and Wesson 38 special serial number 563015?
Smith an Wesson 150 38 special serial number 842378what is it worth?
What is a Smith and Wesson 38 Special CTG serial number 645691 worth?
What is the age of a smith and Wesson 38 special with serial number 221588?
What is the manufacture date and value of a smith and Wesson 38 special ctg serial?

What model is a Smith and Wesson 38 special ctg pistol with a serial number 4d99679?
S&W manufactured about a gazillion different handgun modelsbetween 1857 and 2005 and will probably add a couple more while Itype this sentence. Well, maybe that's a bit of an exaggeration,but they cover 87 pages in the Blue Book and that serial numberwill have been used on many of them. If the model number or name isnot marked on the gun, I'd suggest getting a copy of the StandardCatalog of Firearms from your library and trying to identify itthere. Some models may have ben made only during a narrow range ofyears and others for decades. There is a lot of general informationavailable about S&W, but I do not have access to any seriallists to identify exact dates of manufacture. THE book on S&Wis the Standard Catalog of SMITH & WESSON which is availablethrough but I am not enough in S&W tospend the $35. part of your answer follows: There is a lot ofgeneral information available about S&W, but I do not haveaccess to any serial lists to identify exact dates of manufacture.THE book on S&W is the Standard Catalog of SMITH & WESSONwhich is available through but I am notenough in S&W to spend the $35. I have a copy of the StandardCatalog of SMITH & WESSON in front of me. In APPENDIX 2 ,Serial Number Ranges by Years from pa. 207 tp pg 211 indicates thatyour answer is correct in that the dates are listed by caliber thenModel number or type. Thanks for your web site!
What model is a Smith and Wesson 38 special ctg pistol with a serial number K84790?
Smith Wesson 38 special ctg model 83682 or is 83682 the serial number pistol?
What is the age of a smith Wesson pistol with a serial number of 52k3756?
What is the age of a smith Wesson pistol with a serial number of J318086
What model is a Smith and Wesson 38 special ctg pistol with a serial number 4d99679?
What is the age of a Smith and Wesson 38 special pistol with a serial number G39372?
What is the age of a Smith and Wesson 38 special ctg pistol with a serial number D729755?
What is the age of a Smith and Wesson 38 special pistol with a serial number 565025?
What is the age of a Smith and Wesson 38 Special pistol serial number 282938?
Smith And Wesson 38 Special
Call S&W and they will tell you when it left the factory.
What is the age of your 38 special ctg smith and Wesson pistol serial number 428760?
What is the age of a Smith and Wesson 38 special CTG pistol with a serial number 55288?
What make is a smith and Wesson pistol with a serial number D255280?
What is the age of a Smith and Wesson 38 special ctg pistol with a serial number 535002?
Call S&W and they will tell you when it left the factory
What is a Smith and Wesson 38 special pistol worth?
Where is the smallest 45cal pistol available?
Smith And Wesson 38 Special For Sale
What is a Smith and Wesson 38 Special Pistol with Serial?
Smith And Wesson 38 Special Serial Number
Impossible to answer without a detailed description.
How do you disassemble a smith and Wesson model chief special pistol?
What is the value of a Smith and Wesson 22 pistol model0F91?
What is the age of a Smith and Wesson pistol with serial number 3K60102?
How old is smith and Wesson pistol with serial number 38342?
You need to include a model number to get your answer.
What is the age of a Smith and Wesson pistol with a serial number N793669?
Where is the serial number on a k22 smith and Wesson pistol?
How old is Smith and Wesson pistol Frontier DA serial?
What is the value of smith and Wesson pistol with a serial number 0913531?
How old is a smith and Wesson pistol with a serial number of 197055?
You will have to provide a DETAILED description of the pistol. Just the sn alone is not enough.
How much is an old 44 smith and Wesson pistol serial?
What is the age of a smith and Wesson pistol?
You must provide the serial number and a detailed description.
How old is this smith and Wesson pistol with serial number BRR8923?
What is the age of a Smith and Wesson 38 special pistol with a serial number VI 49338?

Call S&W and they will tell you when it left the factory. It could have been made a week to a year before.
What is the age of a Smith and Wesson 38 special ctg pistol with a serial number 8540?
You will have to provide a detailed description of all markings, features, box, papers, accessories, condition, finish, etc..
What is the age of a Smith and Wesson 38 Special CTG 6 inch pistol made as a Commemorative pistol for LAPD with Los Angeles Police Department on the right side of the barrel?
You will need to provide a serial number or the model number to get an answer. Alternatively, you can call S&W with the sn and they will tell you when it left the factory.
What is manufacture date of smith wesson pistol with serial number 201860?
you would need the model number as well as serial number.
What is the age of a Smith and Wesson pistol with a serial number of 273267?
How old is this Smith and Wesson pistol with serial Number 117460?
38 Smith & Wesson Ctg
How much is a old 44 smith and Wesson pistol worth serial?
How old is Smith and Wesson pistol serial number 35675?
What year was a smith and Wesson 38 pistol with serial number C152983 made?
How old in smith and Wesson pistol with serial number v530796?
How old a smith and Wesson 38 pistol with a serial number of c992386?
How do you brake a smith and Wesson pistol serial number 228722?
How old is this Smith and Wesson pistol with serial number 34446?
What is the age of a Smith and Wesson pistol serial number 106897?
What is the value of a vintage Smith and Wesson airweight pistol?
In order to answer your question correctly,I would need you to Identify your Smith and Wesson airweight pistol more.I would need the model number and serial number along with the overall condition of your firearm to give you a accurate value to your question.
What kind of pistol did Barney fife carry?
A Smith & Wesson .38 Special caliber M&P (Military & Police) revolver.

What is louder 380 pistol or 38 special smith and Wesson?
A revolver is louder than a pistol due to the barrel-cylinder gap that is located between the cylinder face and forcing cone of a revolver.
What is the age of a Smith and Wesson pistol with a serial number 451767?
38 Special Ctg For Sale
If you are speaking of a K frame revolver it was 1961.
How old is your smith and Wesson pistol serial number 64434?
Need a DETAILED description of ALL markings to answer.
How do you trace a serial number on a smith Wesson pistol?
Call S&W and they will tell you when it left the factory.
How old is this smith and Wesson pistol called a lemon squeeze?
List Of Smith And Wesson Serial Numbers
Impossible to answer. No serial number or details provided.
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