Federal Ordnance M14 Serial Numbers


Federal Ordnance M14a

August 1st, 2009, 05:00 PM #1
Dodgin' The Reaper

Location: Las Vegas, NV, USA

Awards Showcase

Total Awards: 1
Total Points: 20

Federal Ordnance - Serial Number vs Model Number
Federal Ordnance had several model designations for its M14 type rifle. Given sufficient time and enough serial numbers, we may be able to discern some reasoning or order to the model numbers. If you would like to contribute to this, send me a PM. I'll delete your PM and not disclose the source. Like the other data bases that I have compiled, I DO NOT share who sends me what and I don't keep the correspondence. If you find a Federal Ordnance receiver heel photograph on one of the auction boards, send me the link. TIA
I'll start this data base with serial numbers and model numbers I have observed first hand or have photographs of. Note that Federal Ordnance made receivers for Century Arms International as well.
Serial Number Model Number
2008 M14A
2327 M14A
2518 M14A
2543 M14A
2662 M14A
3058 M14A
3712 M14A
3820 M14A
3945 M14A
4090 M14A
4326 M14A
4381 M14A
46XX M14A
5012 M14A
6716 M14A
7131 M14A
7275 M14A
8042 M14A
8410 M14A
8435 M14A
8847 M14A
9139 M14A
9279 M14SA
9583 M14SA
9727 M14SA
9759 M14SA
9822 M14SA
99XX M14SA
20792 M14SA
20936 M14SA
21464 M14SA
22398 M14SA
21873 M14SA
23111 M14SA
28955 M14SA
50127 CSA14
50396 CSA14
50601 CSA14
60058 M14SA
6016X M14SA
60223 M14SA
60308 M14SA
VCE010 M14
VCE118 M14
VME156 M14
C-0116 M14SA (for Century Arms)
C-0259 M14SA (for Century Arms)
C-0377 M14SA (for Century Arms)
C-0757 M14S (for Century Arms)
C-1301 M14S (for Century Arms)
C-1302 M14S (for Century Arms)

Last edited by Different; February 20th, 2011 at 05:12 PM.

Federal Ordnance M14 Price Range

Re: Commercial M14 - U. Production Data and Serial Numbers Originally Posted by Different By my reckoning, there are about 360,000 to 365,000 US commercial M14 rifles and about 27,000 Chinese M14 rifles in the USA. The general consensus of M14 gunsmiths seems to be that the receiver is not just safe, but of very high quality. According to Warbirds Gunsmithing, all M14 parts swap out. The bolt requires fitting, but swapping the bolt is not a drop in job on any M14.

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