How To Make Homemade Crack Pipe

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I've been using steel wool this whole time, because I have a shit ton of it in my garage and every convenience store I've hit up apparently don't have any brillo. Does the filter make a difference? I just wad up a nice thick ball of steel wool (I think it's the fine type of wool), stuff it in the stem, put a flame to it and inhale just for a second so it gets burning red hot, allow it to cool, then drop a rock on top and away we go.
However, everyone seems to be using brillo, so I was wondering if it makes any difference in the hits I'm getting? I know Chore Boy brand brillo has soap in it, so wouldn't that be even worse? I've been wondering this for a while, so any responses are appreciated.

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Mon 16 Apr, 2018 1/1 how to make a crack pipe out of tin foilEpub how to make a crack pipe out of tin foilEpub Instructables - Official Site. Easy to follow step-by-step instructions, online classes, and a vibrant maker community. HOW TO MAKE HOMEMADE BUBBLE GUM - EASY RECIPE I hope you like my homemade Bubble Gum. Welcome to the.

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