If your smart card reader is listed, go to the next step of installing the DoD certificates. Windows 7 & 8/8.1: Right click Computer, select Properties, Device Manager link (upper left corner of the screen), scroll down to Smart card readers, select the little triangle next to it to open it up.
Installation Steps |
Step 1: Obtain a CAC Reader |
Step 2:CAC Reader driver | Video |
Step 3:DoD Certificates | Video |
Step 4:ActivClient | Video |
Step 4a: Update ActivClient |
Step 5: IE adjustments | Video |
Log into AKO with your CAC now ---------------- Proceed ONLY if you need to sign forms |
Step 6:IBM Forms Viewer (formerly Lotus Forms) / Video |
Step 7:eSign | Video |
(The CHESS website has scheduled outages: Saturdays between 0200-0500 EST and the 2nd & 4th Tuesday of the month between 0700-1200 EST)
If you are having problems accessing the Lotus Forms software download link outside of the hours listed above, please contact CHESS for support.
I was told I can get the software download for the USB CAC reader at Military One Source but I can't find it. EDIT: For anyone having the same issue of it reading the card but saying it not working to log into NKO, you need to go to millitarycac.com and download all of the DoD certificates and follow the guide there. CAC Reader Installation Instructions. The appearance of external hyperlinks does not constitute endorsement by the United States Department of Defense, or the United States Department of the Navy of the linked web sites, or the information, products or services contained therein. For other than authorized activities such as military.
NOTE: If you currently have Pure Edge viewer and ApproveIt installed, I recommend you uninstall both programs and restart your computer before proceeding. It will drastically speed up the install process below. The Lotus Forms program has the ability to uninstall Pure Edge automatically, but in my experience with others, it can take several hours.
NEWS:Update to the Army migrating to Adobe fillable forms. Army Publishing Directorate plans to no longer support Lotus Forms and eSign software after 1 October 2014. 1 October 2014 is also the date when the new PDF-F forms will replace the former .xfdl type forms. I hope these forms will work for Mac users since Lotus and ApproveIt has never worked for them. Please know that the current EES system requires IBM (Lotus) Forms and eSign to allow signing of OERs (currently) and NCOERs (in the future).
Installation Steps:
Download / Save this page as single / printable PDF

1. Go to the Army CHESS website at: https://chess.army.mil
2. Click the Login button (located on the black bar across the top of the page)
NOTE: If you are CAC enabled through CHESS you will see your information displayed. Click the Login button to fully access the website. If you are NOT CAC enabled on the Army CHESS website you will prompted for your email address and password. This is the email address and password you used when you registered at the CHESS website. If you have not registered you need to click the Registration (button) on the black bar on the top of the page.
4. Click the link titled: Forms Viewer 4.0
5. Click the upper right corner link titled: Download Lotus Forms 4
You may be prompted at the bottom of your screen asking if you want to run or save Viewer-EN-4-0-0-477.exe, select Save or Save As.
Alternate download (directly from AKO): https://www.us.army.mil/suite/doc/41910103 (81.5MB)
6. Once the download is complete, double click the file titled: Viewer-EN-4-0-0-477.exe (or LotusFormsViewer4.exe)
NOTE: Once the little box closes, it has finished installing. This program does not tell you it completed.
Download Lotus Forms 3.5.1: https://www.us.army.mil/suite/doc/42640405 (21.92 MB)
Video Installation Instructions (new version coming soon)
The ideas on this website are from my personal experience. I have been told by Army Publishing Directorate (APD) to send all users to their help desk so they become aware of the problems with this program. 703-692-1306 / DSN: 312-222-1306, Webform, or
If you are having problems accessing the CHESS website, contact theCHESS help desk at: armychess@mail.mil or 888-232-4405 / 703-806-1019 / DSN: 312-656-1019 (Monday - Friday 0800-1700 Eastern).
To download DA forms, go to the Army Publishing Directorate website http://www.apd.army.mil/ , click on the Forms (tab), DA Forms button. Find the form you want (in the range of form numbers). Right click the XFDL link to the right of the form you want, Select Save Target As. Save it to your computer and you will have the form for later. You can also click the link, it will open up your Lotus Forms or Pure Edge software automatically (only if using Internet Explorer 6, 7, or 8). All other browsers will have to use the Right click, Save As option to save your form.
Digitally signing a form is simple when following these instructions
With your form open and your CAC inserted in the card reader
Single click the button with the slanted pen with 'Click to Approve' typed after it (see image)
Military Cac Card Reader Software Download
Read the Electronic Signature Notice, then OK
Click the word Sign (not OK)
Select your name (the one without the word email in it), then OK
You should see your name, once you do, click the word Sign
It will prompt you to type in your PIN, then select OK
Once you see Signature is valid, select OK
You have now signed your form
If the word Sign is GRAY, please look here for some known cures
Are you curious how to change the check marks to X's on forms?
Army Cac Card Reader Software Download Mac
Open Lotus Forms, click the Preferences button (blue and red O + on it)

Select Advanced Settings
Select the box next to: Use 'X' Style Check Boxes
If you are interested in knowing how to digitally sign an Excel or Word 2003 or 2007 file, this is how to do it
This is the email I received from APD on 25 August 2010 when I asked for permission to have an alternate download location for people when the CHESS website is down.
'In regards to your email, As I am sure you are well aware APD is the Enterprise provider of Lotus Forms Viewer and Silanis ApproveIt software. There are only two channels that are authorized to be the authoritative distributor of the fore mentioned software, 1. AGM (Army Gold Master) for GFE (Government Funded Equipment) installation / use and 2. CHESS (Computer Hardware, Enterprise Software Solutions) for PFE (Personal Funded Equipment) installation / use. APD does not authorize any other body (i.e. AKO files) to distribute its Enterprise Software. Your request to have this software hosted in your files has been dually noted. At this time your request to host / provide the Lotus Forms Viewer and Silanis ApproveIt software is Denied. You will be advised if APD's stance on this request changes in the future.'
For issues obtaining the software from the CHESS website, utilize the Official Army channels listed below.
The ideas on this website are from my personal experience. I have been told by Army Publishing Directorate (APD) to send users to their help desk so they become aware of the problems with this program. 703-692-1306 / DSN: 312-222-1306 , Webform, or
If you are having problems accessing the CHESS website, contact theHow To Make My Cac Reader Work
CHESS help desk at: peoeis.pdchess.helpdesk@us.army.mil or 888-232-4405 / 703-806-1019 / DSN: 312-656-1019 (Monday - Friday 0800-1700 Eastern).Digiscan Cac Reader Driver Download
Follow instructions at top of this page to install Lotus Forms
Air Force users, download your version of Lotus forms:
Military Cac Card Reader Software Download For Mac
Click on: 'IBM Lotus Viewer Fixpack 3' under Download link:
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