Pdf417 Drivers License

PDF417 is an app for scanning several types of barcodes and QR codes. It supports a variety of use-cases, such as boarding passes, payment slips & m-wallets, retail tags, concert tickets, SIM cards, and other.
If you’re looking to extract full data from identity documents, please use our free BlinkID app.
∙ Barcode types: PDF417 (2D barcode), QR code, Code 39, Code 128
∙ Flexibility: easy-to-integrate API
∙ Speed: 100-900 ms, depending on device and barcode size
∙ Charset: unicode
∙ Works in poor light conditions and at an angle
∙ Works with low quality and low resolution mobile cameras
PDF417 is designed as an SDK (software development kit) from Microblink Ltd., a research and development company specialized in developing SDKs for real-time text recognition in mobile apps. Our proprietary mobile text recognition (OCR) technology has wide usage, from scanning passports, driver’s licenses to receipts, TOP-UP, payment slips, boarding passes, and other.
If you like PDF417, check out the SDK documentation on GitHub: https://github.com/PDF417 and try it for free. More information on our website: https://pdf417.mobi.
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Pdf417 Drivers License
Pdf417 barcode generator driver license
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If I include UPC or other barcodes in the PossibleFormats, they are scanned correctly.

I am also certain the barcode I am trying to read is PDF417 barcode because Scandit is able to recognize it correctly while using only PDF417 barcode.

Here is the code I am using. What do I need to change so that the PDF417 barcode is recognized correctly?

Pdf417 Barcode Generator Driver License


1 Answer

Pdf417 Driving License

I ran into this exact same issue a few days ago and fixed it with the following. In the MobileBarcodeScanningOptions class there's a property of type CameraResolutionSelectorDelegate called CameraResolutionSelector. You can set this to return a higher camera resolution from a list of available resolutions. So my instantiation of MobileBarcodeScanningOptions looks like this:

And my HandleCameraResolutionSelectorDelegate:

That's all I needed to change to get a driver's license (PDF417) barcode to scan.

Here's the source code for MobileBarcodeScanningOptions.cs from ZXing github.


Pdf417 Drivers License Sample

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Pdf417 Driver S License Format

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